CHSE Certified Hotels In Bali

If you are ready to travel back to Bali and would like to proceed with your  holidaty travel plans then  simply book your entire stay with your favorite hotel/resort in Bali with one of the Bali Hotels Association Member CHSE certifed hotels below!  Your favorite hotel teams are ready to assist you!

About CHSE certification and why it is important. 
CHSE Certification is the process of granting certificates to tourism businesses, tourism destinations, and other tourism products to provide reassurance to visitors to the island of Bali on the implementation of Hygiene, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability.
Hotels, resorts and villas listed below have received training, have been vaccinated and continue to maintain all the latest health regulations.  Please stay informed with the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) protocols, which include wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing your hands with soap regularly while in Bali.